One more week in the books. It is freaking me out how fast it is going but such is life. Time to kick things into high gear:
Consistent with prior weeks, I made a lot more progress on planning and behind the scenes items and prepping for what I hope will be donations. That being said, I am grateful to have raised another $1,200 this week. I also have some commitments for donations as well but we will not count those until they appear. I wanted to point out here that if you read anything and want to get involved or offer grand ideas, I am very open to that. Like I have said and will say many times again, this journey is for everyone that wants to fight back against cancer. Perhaps it is a financial donation. Perhaps it is sharing this journey with others. Perhaps it is an idea we can put into action. It all helps. here are some specific things that transpired this week:
- Mailed hundreds of letters to friends and family that I know in real life and some that I have only met virtually over the years by sharing my story.
- Made progress with the website. There is a lot still to do but we are getting closer. A huge thanks to Leah Beck and Craig Harrison for all of their time to date.
- Received nine different shirt samples. We just need the new logo and we will have shirts for sale and for the 5K we will hold (both live and virtual). We also made progress on finalizing our medal. We are upgrading the medal this year so it is going to be very nice. The same company that produces medals for Boston and for Ironman will be producing the 2017 Road2Kona medals. Much thanks to Sam Felsenfeld of Operation Jack for the introductions to his vendors.
- A key member of We Will Find a Cure was in a position whereby she was getting rid of a lot of her furniture. She offered that furniture to me so that we could find the best path to selling it. My house is now bursting at the seems with furniture!!! All proceeds will go to this campaign. A huge thanks to Lori and Jules Jomsky.
- Team Hotshot offered to share my story at the blog at their website. I have been utilizing their product to deal with cramping and it has been amazing thus far. I will write a separate blog post about the product in a few weeks. I have 2 long rides coming and I look forward to sharing the results.
I am sure there is more but that is about it for now on the fundraising.
That is it for this week. As always, if any of this inspires you join WWFAC via donation or any other means, we welcome the help!! DONATION LINK WWFAC WEBSITE
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