Wow, it has been a long time since I wrote a post here at this blog. I really do have a lot to say but I have struggled to find the time to write. I still have not posted my entry from Ironman CDA.....2013!!! I have not chronicled all of my struggles to come back from a biking accident while training for Ironman #5..........a result of someone simply not checking their side mirror before opening their car door. That transpired in September 2013 and as I sit here typing, I am far from recovered. 2014 was spent more in rehab or on rehab runs than actually training. Truth be told, I did not complete one run or bike trainer ride that was a means to an end that included a start or finish line. I am just trying to fight my way back. Despite trying to rehab my way around knee surgery, I ended up surgically repairing a torn meniscus in April of 2014 which led to..........as you may guess....more rehab. My knee is not close to 100%. If I keep on a flat straight line........I can run. If I have to move laterally, my knee does not work. This makes running around a corner a challenge. This makes running off a curb a challenge. This makes playing baseball with my children a challenge. This makes playing soccer with my children a challenge. All of this results in a frustrated me. Another aspect to all of this is that I always train to raise money to fight cancer. I do not train for myself. I train for others. Taking this away from me has been painful but I am blessed to be alive and I am blessed to have enough within me to continue coaching for Team in Training where I can live vicariously through others. A week ago I was actually blessed enough to get in a run....albeit very slow....while my daughter rode her bike beside me down the Santa Ana River Trail. My son met me at the end of our journey and ran us in. All they have ever know, is their Dad swimming, riding or running so I think they know how important it is for me to return to action.

Cancer could care less about any of this. Cancer is glad I am hurt or at least this is how I like to think about it. I picture cancer with a personality and it fuels my fire to make a comeback. In the interim, raising money to fight cancer remains a critical part of my composition and, as such, we are back hosting our 7th Annual Super Bowl Pool. Today is an appropriate day to post this news because today marks the 11th anniversary of my father losing his battle to cancer. I made promises to him that you have all helped me live up to over the years. I think if I died tomorrow, I could look my Dad in the eye knowing I did what I could while I could. A cure has not been found though. Cancer still is looming and, having a wife who has survived cancer twice, I still sleep with one eye open. So...........why not have a little fun spicing up the Super Bowl while helping get the world closer to the end of cancer.
In case you have never participated in a Super Bowl Pool..........it is very easy. Each pool has 100 boxes that are assigned a number for each team in the Super Bowl. For each $20 box you buy, you will be randomly assigned two numbers........one for the AFC team and one for the NFC team. Using last year as an example, you may have been assigned a 4 for Seattle and a 0 for Denver. If this were the case you are rooting for any score that has Seattle ending in a 4 and the Broncos ending with a zero (Seattle 4 - Denver 10, Seattle 24 - Denver 0, Seattle 14 - Denver - 30, etc, etc, etc).
The pool is a great way to spice up game day. As always, half of the pool will be distributed to the winners and half will go towards finding a cure for cancer via a donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Based off the $20 per box entry fee, $1,000 will be donated to charity and $1,000 will be split as follows:
- 1st Quarter = $125
- Halftime = $250
- 3rd Quarter = $125
- Final Score = $500
The Super Bowl will be held on February 1, 2015. Last year we sold out 3 pools and this year we are working on our 2nd one as I write this post. It would be amazing to match last year but we are grateful for everything whether we do or do not.
To recap the rules:
* 100 Boxes per pool
* $20 per box to play
* We randomly place you in a box on a 10x10 grid. Each box contains two numbers - one for the AFC champion and one for the NFC champion. If the numbers match the score at the end of each quarter you win! Just to be clear, we literally randomly place your name in the grid and then randomly pull numbers for the grid. It takes a while but assures every aspect of each grid is by chance.
How to pay:
1) Email Lori Jomsky or myelf (we can DM you our email addresses if need be) how many boxes you would like. The more you buy the more chances to win and fight cancer. You can also reach out via FB or Twitter @lj3000 and @run2savelives (me)
2) Give Money directly to Chris or Lori if you happen to know us IRL
3) Mail a check payable to Lori Jomsky (so we can divide the money for charity/winners): 4211 Via Entrada, Newbury Park, CA 91320
Thank You!!!! Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!